OMC Partners is a legal-sector focused management consultancy, founded in 2006 and working, since inception, for major GC, the top UK and international law firms, new entrants such as ABS’s and LPO's and private equity investors. We are fiercely independent and bring deep technical expertise as we focus solely on the legal sector.
Our work centres on improving operational efficiency and cost reduction - using a full range of approaches from legal procurement, alternative sourcing, technology, adoption of legal and other best practices, through to detailed process re-engineering of both back- office and legal tasks to drive out bottom line benefits.
In-house legal teams are under increasing pressure to deliver more with less – from budget pressures from CEOs / CFOs to delivering services under continually increased regulatory and compliance burdens. We work with in house teams to get best value from their own teams, from their panel firms as well as from the rapidly emerging spectrum of ”New Model” legal services providers.
OMC Partners have been supporting in-house legal teams for over a decade, helping in-house leaders to:
demonstrate greater value to Business Clients
contribute to the bottom line through cost reduction and, for some, revenue generation
get “best bang for their buck” in terms of both internal and external legal spend
overall, improving service delivery, responsiveness and output quality
OMC have deep experience in helping in house lawyers get “more for less” in terms of legal spend and this includes:
“unbundling” legal work types so that activities are performed by the most appropriate resource whether in-house or external
running formal and informal tenders processes and working with in-house procurement teams to do much of the “heavy lifting” (so you don’t have to). This can range from a full panel exercise to single pieces of work
In-house legal teams are continuously demanding “more for less” from their law firms. Law firms are being forced to rethink their operating models and how they deliver their services. While lower rate pricing– often fixed fee - is a key requirement, by itself it is not enough and in-house legal teams, under pressure from CEOs and CFOs, are seeking innovation through:
improved transparency
greater consistency
better alignment of law firm output to their needs including improved responsiveness
There is no one “silver bullet” when it comes to margin improvement. The good news for law firms is that there are multiple options – across both legal practice areas and support functions – that allow firms to improve profitability whilst meeting client expectations. Using proven techniques –often from other professional services such as the Big 4 leading law firms have been able to realise double-digit improvements in profitability, whilst still delivering cost savings to their clients.
OMC Partners have been helping in-house lawyers and major law firms transform their resourcing models for over a decade. We have helped many clients secure competitive advantage by pioneering novel delivery and operating models.
We advise and deliver solutions which include:
determining – without you reinventing the wheel - what services and processes are suitable, and have been proven to succeed, for alternative resourcing
analysing and selecting the most appropriate delivery model, whether in-house or outsourced, onshore or offshore – all reflecting risk, complexity and volume
articulating and developing business cases and implementation approaches to win the hearts and minds of stakeholders
More and more clients are insisting that their lawyers “walk the walk” and demonstrate their LPM proficiency – this includes in-house lawyers and their internal clients, most of whom use proven project management approaches in their own work. Lawyers who don’t adopt LPM, miss significant opportunities.
OMC Partners, in conjunction with Kinch Robinson, have developed an LPM approach which captures up-to-date methods and techniques adopted by leading law firms, in-house teams and other professionals. Delivered through rigorous practical training we help lawyers from all disciplines deliver services using a consistent methodology that captures all the benefits of LPM Best Practice.
Using our deep experience of legal operating models, we collaborate with clients to identify and articulate their legal IT requirements as part of their wider delivery model design. We support this with a business case so clients understand the comparative costs and benefits of a broad range of options. Equally, we advise where technology is NOT the proven solution.
Whilst we are fiercely independent, we know the IT technology marketplace and solutions well and work with clients to identify appropriate technology vendors, developing a selection and procurement approach to ensure clients’ needs are fully met. From our extensive work in managing change in the legal sector we are well placed to support clients with implementation and capturing the benefits identified, “winning hearts and minds” along the way.